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A pitch deck is one of the most crucial parts of an investor’s decision-making process. It can make or break the transfer of funds that will decide the future of a company. Some are bland and forgettable, while others excite and breed interest. But, what is it that makes the difference?

Here are some things that investors should look for in a pitch deck when making important funding companies’ decisions.


The look and feel of the pitch deck should be proportional to that of the business. If a pitch deck has spelling errors or uses poor-quality photos, the people running the company probably don’t pay enough attention to detail. A well-prepared deck that looks clean and refined reflects a company that has thought about the market, product, and brand. But this also depends on the business that is doing the pitching. A company targeting child-care services will have a different feel from a company selling analytics software. Be mindful of what is being pitched.


There must be a compelling story behind a pitch deck. Even business professionals can’t resist a good story, and the pitch deck must draw the investor in, engaging their interest in some way. The messaging must be clear from the deck, no matter what the subject matter is. Pitch decks that leave more questions than answers are a warning sign for investors, and if additional follow-up questions are needed to clarify essential points, it’s best to pass. Conversely, pitch decks should be short and concise. Pitchers should have a straightforward way to describe their business. Otherwise, the business plan isn’t thoroughly thought through or not the right business plan entirely.


There should be some acknowledgement in the pitch deck about the audience that is in attendance. If an investor has a history of providing funding for hospitality-based services, the pitch deck should include references to that. If the investor is known to have an affinity for the outdoors, the pitch deck should try to acknowledge that. It shows an interest in the investor and a willingness to research and know essential business partners. This approach reflects an understanding of the business model and an awareness of its audience and potential markets.